What is GASP?

G.A.S.P. stands for the Greater Athens Sustainability Project. It is a nonprofit effort for the purpose of encouraging and engendering sustainability in and around Athens, Ohio. The ultimate goal is to make Athens a model of a sustainable community.

What does a sustainable community look like? It's certainly one that's visually attractive: A lack of urban blight, plenty of trees and green spaces, a lack of overhead powerlines or other such ugliness, people on the streets, and an atmosphere of friendliness.

A sustainable community is far more than that, however. It is a place that solves problems in advance by taking pro-active stances. It is a community that fully considers the consequences of its actions and plans for the long term.

We want Athens to be that kind of community. As yet, GASP is an informal effort. More information will be available in the future on how that you may be involved.

This page was last revised on 20 November, 2017.

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